Agenda labitconf


LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda.

LABITCONF will feature a scavenger hunt for a $1,000 crypto prize and a closing celebration on the “Moon” ARGENTINA, Dec. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — (via Blockchain Wire) – Latin American Bitcoin & … LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. The latest tweets from @laBITconf laBITconf, Buenos Aires, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba. 1,799 likes. Since 2013 the Latin American Bitcoin & Blockchain Conference.

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Formosa: Nov 23, 2020 · LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. Nov 23, 2020 · LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. The latest tweets from @laBITconf laBITconf, Buenos Aires, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba. 1,799 likes. Since 2013 the Latin American Bitcoin & Blockchain Conference.

laBITconf 2015. Bitcoin/Blockchain opportunities. Why. Listen to nearly 40 renowned speakers in a unique combination of smart chosen topics to drive you through Bitcoin/Blockchain opportunities.

Nov 13, 2019 · More than 70 speakers will participate in the most influential Blockchain and Bitcoin conference in Latin America. The most significant cryptocurrency and blockchain event in Latin America, laBITconf, now finds itself in its seventh year, with some of the most respected speakers and initiatives in the industry taking part. #laBITconf 2019: Bitcoin Conversations Across Latin America . Uruguay December 13, 2019 - December 14, 2019.

Episodio 19: LABITCONF 2018 En este episodio de CriptoTrends Radio, conversamos con el economista Gabriel Kurman, miembro de la ONG Bitcoin Argentina, sobre LABITCONF 2018 (programa grabado el 29 de septiembre de 2018). LABITCONF es una cita de nivel internacional para expertos y entusiastas de Bitcoin, criptomonedas y blockchain.

Una guía para que participes de actividades vinculadas con la sostenibilidad. Si tienes otros eventos o acciones para incluir en la lista, puedes escribirnos a [email protected] « LaBitConf 2020 – Experiencia Digital (Ingreso libre) LaBitConf 2020 – Experiencia Digital (Ingreso libre) » En esta nueva edición se incorporará tecnología Motion Capture 3D, con la cual los principales invitados estarán representados por modelos tridimensionales. LABITCONF suma a nuevos speakers como Andreas Antonopoulos, Alena Vranova, Stephan Livera, Bruce Fenton, Alex Gladstein y Wilcox Latin American Bitcoin & Blockchain Conference (LABITCONF), uno de los eventos de Bitcoin y Blockchain más icónicos y con más trayectoria en la región anuncia una nueva ronda de speakers y temáticas en agenda. laBITconf, Buenos Aires, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba. 1.799 Me gusta. Since 2013 the Latin American Bitcoin & Blockchain Conference.

Agenda labitconf

We had spoken to each other briefly at LABitConf in Buenos Aires about a of hiding it's Agenda is NOT a Business anyone should be doing Business with. 1 Jan 2018 Bitcoin y blockchain a Bogotá (LaBitConf 2017 will bring surprises about Bitcoin agenda and, quite rightly, organizations like Transparency. 15 May 2018 promises to be one of the best on a crowded annual crypto conference agenda . Bob Ackerman.

Desde 2013, LABITCONF es la conferencia sobre esta temática más importante de América Latina por prestigio global de sus disertantes provenientes de más de 20 países y una agenda cuidadosamente curada. Es además el encuentro anual de los principales players de la región. 2,301 Followers, 76 Following, 396 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LABITCONF (@labitconf) LabArchives is the leading research data management SaaS application platform dedicated to better science used by more than 580,000 scientists to manage & protect research data, inventories and laboratory resources. LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. The event achieves this by creating a highly curated agenda with industry leaders like Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Alena Vranova, Stephan Livera, Alex Gladstein, Bruce Fenton, Matthew Mežinskis, Griff Green, Jordi Baylina, Aron Coeli, Alejandro Planzas Labitconf is one of the most important events in the area of ​​cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in the region.

The event achieves this by creating a highly curated agenda with industry leaders like Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Alena Vranova, Stephan Livera, Alex Gladstein, Bruce Fenton, Matthew Mežinskis, Griff Green, Jordi Baylina, Aron Coeli, Alejandro Planzas Sep 17, 2019 · LABITConf has been going since 2013. LABITConf is the largest Bitcoin and blockchain conference in the Latin American region. Unlike your standard blockchain conference however, LABITConf places much more attention on the dialogue taking place away from the main stage. According to its website, it’s not a conference, but an entire experience. Te adelantamos la agenda del día 1 🙌 Escenario en Español 💫 @labitconf •••••••••••• Este año tendremos un Main Track en inglés y un escenario LATAM con todos nuestros oradores latinoamericanos. Además cada día de la conferencia, tendremos un panel de discusión multisectorial de los principales países de la LABITCONF | 345 followers on LinkedIn. 🚀 Since 2013 the Latin American Bitcoin & Blockchain Conference.

Por @CarlosMacías_ Editor de Agenda Latinoamericana .. agéndala. May 29, 2016 Bitcoin/Blockchain opportunities. México. laBITconf 2015. Bitcoin/Blockchain opportunities Why Listen to nearly 40 renowned speakers in a unique combination of smart chosen topics to drive .. agéndala.

AGENDA LGBTIQ: SELECCION VERANO Página/12. 29/01/2021. Formosa: Nov 23, 2020 · LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. Nov 23, 2020 · LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda. The latest tweets from @laBITconf laBITconf, Buenos Aires, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba. 1,799 likes.

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15 May 2018 promises to be one of the best on a crowded annual crypto conference agenda . Bob Ackerman. Founder & Managing Director, AllegisCyber.

The latest tweets from @laBITconf laBITconf, Buenos Aires, Ciudad De La Habana, Cuba. 1,799 likes.

Apr 08, 2020 · LABITCONF is known for proposing different points of view on issues on the public agenda.

Dates and Times Thursday, September 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:1 We continue to monitor COVID-19 cases in our area and providers will notify you if there are scheduling changes. Please continue to call your providers with health concerns. We are providing in-person care and telemedicine appointments. Lea A letter from the founding editors. An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens What’s next for hardware, software, and services Our annual guide to the b News and insights from last year’s Agenda setters. Plus the Agenda Honor Roll.

Event date. 12 Dec 2019 - 13 Dec 2019. Location.