Výslovnosť varanidae


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1998, Vidal et al. 2012) jediným recentním rodem monotypické čeledi varanovití (Varanidae), podle jiných názorů (Estes, de Queiroz a Gauthier 1988, Conrad et al. 2008, Gauthier et al. 2012) do zmíněné čeledi patří ještě rod varanovec (Lanthanotus) s jediným recentním druhem varanovec bornejský (Lanthanotus borneensis). Varani (Varanidae) su porodica iz razreda gmazova, red ljuskaša i podreda guštera.Porodica ima 53 vrste koje žive u Africi, Aziji i Australiji. Varanidae (Varani) Xantusiidae.

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Estrutura do trifosfato de adenosina, um intermediário central no metabolismo energético. Varanovití (Varanidae) jsou čeledí ještěrů.Mezi zástupce patří největší známý ještěr, dnes vyhynulý varan druhu Varanus priscus, i největší žijící ještěr, varan komodský (Varanus komodoensis) Varanidae definition is - a family of large tropical Old World lizards comprising the monitors, having an elongated neck and tail and well-developed limbs, and being terrestrial or semiaquatic and voraciously carnivorous. Варани (Varanidae) су фамилија гуштера из натфамилије Varanoidea.Ова фамилија обухвата наоко разнолику скупину месоједа и/или биљоједа, класификованих у један савремени род Varanus и неколико изумрлих родова. Beskrivelse og synonymer for ordet Varanidae. Vi fandt 31 synonymer for Varanidae.Se nedenfor hvad Varanidae betyder og hvordan det bruges på dansk. Jan 25, 2021 · On the type selection and re-typification of two monitor lizard taxa (Squamata: Varanidae): Monitor bivittatus celebensis Schlegel, 1844 and Monitor kordensis Meyer, 1874; with some comments and corrections on other name-bearing type specimens. Zootaxa 2440: 60–68.

Saif Varanasi rhwng Afon Ganga ac Afon Varuna, ac ystyrir ei bod yn un o ddinasoedd hynaf y byd.Roedd y boblogaeth yn 2001 yn 1,371,749. Mae'n un o'r cyrchfannau pwysicaf i bererinion Hindŵaidd, ac mae mwy na 1,000,000 ohonynt yn ymweld â Varanasi bob blwyddyn. Dywedir i'r duw Shiva fyw yno unwaith. Cred dilynwyr Hindŵaeth fod ymdrochi yn Afon Ganga yn golchi ymaith bechodau, a bod marw yn

Porodica ima 53 vrste koje žive u Africi, Aziji i Australiji. Varani se od svih drugih guštera razlikuju potpuno okoštalom lubanjom. Jezik im je rascijepljen kao kod zmija.

Varna (bulharsky Варна, v období antiky nazývaná Odessos) je s přibližně 369 tisíci obyvateli po Sofii a Plovdivu třetím největší městem Bulharska.Město se rozkládá na březích Černého moře a je to největší bulharský přístav. Přezdívá se jí i „mořská metropole Bulharska“. Nalézá se tam i vrchní velení bulharského námořnictva.

At present all living species belong to the genus Varanus and all other recognised genera are considered extinct.

Výslovnosť varanidae

Varanidae is the family of monitor lizards. The family is a group of carnivorous lizards. It includes the largest living lizard, the Komodo dragon, and the crocodile monitor. Varanidae contains the living genus Varanus and some extinct groups. Their closest living relatives are the anguid and helodermatid lizards.

monitor lizards. synonyms: family Varanidae. see more see less. type of: reptile family. a family of reptiles. Word Family.

No need to register, buy now! Define family Varanidae. family Varanidae synonyms, family Varanidae pronunciation, family Varanidae translation, English dictionary definition of family Varanidae Varanidae. A taxonomic family within the order Anguimorpha – the monitor lizards. Usage notes . The taxonomy (especially with regard to extinct species) of the family is not yet resolved.

Ίσως θα μπορούσαμε να τα πούμε μία άλλη στιγμή στο μέλλον». Αν στα 18 σου παίζεις τέτοια άμυνα The Varanidae were defined by Estes, de Queiroz and Gauthier (1988) as the clade containing the most recent common ancestor of Lanthanotus and Varanus and all of its descendants. A similar definition was formulated by Conrad et al. (2008), who defined the Varanidae as the clade containing Varanus varius , Lanthanotus borneensis , and all Varanidae is an ancient group of anguinomorph lizards, comprising about 50-60 species into the genus Varanus.Varanids are found in Africa, central and southern mainland Asia and Malaysian and Indonesian islands, Papua New Guinea, and Australia (where about half the species are found). Varanidae is a fictional reptile species confirmed to come to Additional Creatures 2: Wild ARK. In the original mod, the Varanidae was the top predator of the beaches. It was large enough to challenge carnotaurus, had venomous claws that blinded its victims, and was the natural predator of the Carapaceon.

noun. monitor lizards.

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Sprievodca výslovnosťou: Spoznajte výslovnosť Varanasi v Hindčina, Angličtina od rodený hovoriaci. Preklad a nahrávka Varanasi

monitor lizards. synonyms: family Varanidae. see more see less. type of: reptile family. a family of reptiles. Word Family. Sign up now (it’s free!) Whether you’re a teacher or a learner, Vocabulary.com can put you or your class on the path to … Gangbare naam (in diverse talen) [bewerken wikidata 'Categorie:Varaan' linked to current category] [bewerken wikidata 'Varanen' main topic of 'Categorie:Varaan'] Varani se od svih drugih guštera razlikuju potpuno okoštalom lubanjom.

De Varanopidae, ook wel de Varanopsidae of Varanopseidae genoemd, zijn een familie van Synapsida uit het Carboon en Perm (300 tot 250 miljoen jaar geleden). De bekendste soort is Varanosaurus uit het Vroeg-Perm van Noord-Amerika. Het was een tijdgenoot van onder meer Dimetrodon en Eryops .

Mae'n un o'r cyrchfannau pwysicaf i bererinion Hindŵaidd, ac mae mwy na 1,000,000 ohonynt yn ymweld â Varanasi bob blwyddyn. Dywedir i'r duw Shiva fyw yno unwaith.

A taxonomic family within the order Anguimorpha – the monitor lizards. Usage notes . The taxonomy (especially with regard to extinct species) of the family is not yet resolved. Modern definitions define it as a clade, but disagree on the specification of last common ancestor. Varanidae e Lagarto · Veja mais » Lagarto-do-nilo. O varano-do-Nilo, ou lagarto-do-Nilo (Varanus niloticus) é um lagarto gigante da família Varanidae, que inclui o dragão de Komodo.